Strength For load Clean & Jerk Complex For Load: Every 3:00 minutes x 5 Sets 3 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Jerk Starting @ 70% of 1RM Clean and Jerk and building to a heavy for the day The goal here today is to challenge the ability to hit and…
Skill RMU Skills WOD For Time 30 min cap “Taking it to the Bank” 6 sets 18/13 Calorie Echo Bike 15 GHD Sit-Ups 5 Ring Muscle-Ups Rest 2:00 between sets Active: 6 Sets 15/11 Calorie Echo Bike 15 V-Ups 7 Strict Pull-Ups + 7 Strict Ring Dips…
Strength Every 3:00 minutes x 5 Sets 3 Back Squats @ 70%+ If you add 5% on each set you will end at 90%. If you are feeling good today, add a little more on the first few sets WOD 8:00 AMRAP: “Roaring Toddler” 6* Power Snatch 12 Back…
Partner WOD For Time LSKD Takeover With a Friend (in pairs), complete the following 75 cals Any Machine 75 Burpees to a Target 75 ABMAT Sit Ups / *V-ups* 75 Alternating Box/Plate Step ups *weighted* *Every 4:00 including 0:00, run 200m in your pairs* Pairs run together Reps are…
Strength For Load Touch and Go snatch practice 3-3-3-3-3 @2:00 Touch and go practice on a low rep range. Think about foot position and bar path, lower back should not be ringing off after this one. Start at 50% of your 1rm and build across the 5 sets. Work on bar…
WOD EMOM 36 min 1. Mins 1&2 15/12 Calorie Row/Ski 20 Sit ups 2. Mins 3&4 10 Shuttle runs 12 Ring dips 3. Mins 5&6 15/12 Calorie Bike (any type) 12 Alternating Hang DB Squat Clean 22.5/15kg Rx+- GHD Active- Banded Ring dips Lifestyle- 15/10, box dips The…
Strength For load Front Squat 2×5 75-80% 2×3 80% + @3:00 Each set should feel decently challenging and you should feel like you could squeeze out 2 more good quality reps at the end. Last time we front squatted it was 6,6,4,4 so today aim to go a little heavier as…
Skill Building shoulders Option 1– 5 rounds for quality Single Kb Overhead walk 10m each arm 15m bear crawl 8-12 shoulder taps in push up 10 Pike Leg lifts 0:30 rest Option 2– 5 rounds for quality 20-30 second Partner Assisted freestanding Handstand hold 10 Monkey w/ a broken leg 8-12 Plate Taps…
Skill 6 set to progress: Pull up progressions 2 sets Strict 3-5 2 sets Kip/Butterfly regular 7-10 2 sets Kip/Butterfly C2B 4-8 @1:30 Working here on quality movement in all pull up styles, not looking for volume. Find your most virtuous positions and maintain. Don’t smoke the shoulders before the workout.…
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