

For Load


3.1×1 Tempo Strict Press

Every 2:00 x 4 Sets

4 Reps @ 70%+


Each rep will have a 3 second negative and 1 second pause on the shoulder and 1 second pause over head



16:00 EMOM:




minute 1: 1/1 Turkish Get-Ups 24/16

minute 2: 14 GHD Sit-Ups

minute 3: 20/15 Push-Ups

minute 4: :20/:20 Pallof Press Hold


Active: 20/12, V-Ups, 15/10 push up

Lifestyle: 16/8, Ab mat sit ups, elevated push ups


We are looking to challenge the loads on the Turkish Get-Up here today as the primary emphasis. We will then be tackling GHD Sit-Ups with the goal of going unbroken. If you have not been doing GHD Sit-ups regularly we will be looking to do these to a shorter range of motion.