For Time


3 Person Team


“Axis & Allies”


For Time:

100 Dumbbell Bench Press 22.5/15

150 Toe to Bar

200 Wall Balls 9/6


*Every 5:00, Including 0:00, Perform 150 Double Unders


All Work is Split evenly between partners


*While one partner is working, one partner is holding a sandbag in bear hug position 100/80lb



90 Dumbbell Bench Press 15/12

120 Alternating Toe to Bar

160 Wall Balls


*Every 5:00, Including 0:00, Perform 100 Double Unders



90 Dumbbell Bench Press 12/8

150 Abmat Sit-Ups

150 Wall Balls 6/4


*Every 5:00, Including 0:00, Perform 100 Double Unders


All Work is Split evenly between partners


Read the program link on this one as there is a fair bit of detail.