

For Skills:



Ring Muscle-Up Skill Work/Progression


Ring Muscle-Up Drills

Negative Ring Muscle-Up Position Pause Drill

Ring Muscle-Up Swing

Banded Low Ring Muscle Up


Work to where you are at.



15:00 AMRAP


“Stick Around”


70 Double Unders

5 Ring Muscle Ups

3 Squat Clean 93/68


Active: 50 Double Unders

10 Pull-Ups

10 Ring Dips

3 Squat Cleans 70/48

Lifestyle: 100 Single Unders

10 Ring Rows

10 Push-Ups

5 Hang Power Cleans @70%

5 Front Squats


The goal here today will be to keep the Double Unders into 3 sets or less for the duration of the workout and then move into the Ring Muscle-Ups or Ring Muscle-Up modification. The transition + Ring Muscle-Ups should be kept in the range of 45 seconds or less before moving on