
For Load


Squat Snatch Complex

Every 2:00 x 5 Sets

1 Segmented Snatch

2 Low Hang Snatch


Segmented Snatch will have us pause just below the knee, before hitting the Snatch, then we will move back to the low hang position to perform two more low hang Snatches.

*Snatches may be done as a Squat Snatch or Power Snatch, whichever allows for the best technique and most viable catching position


For Time


“I Let Him Go”



Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Deadlifts 125/84

*10 Toe to Bar to Finish Each Round


Active: Handstand Push-Ups

Deadlifts 102/70

*10 Alternating Toe to Bar to Finish Each Round


Lifestyle: Kneeling Box Piked Handstand Push-Ups

Deadlifts 43/30

*10 Hanging Knee Raises to Finish Each Round


We are working into a fun triplet here with the focus on a “Diane” feel of a workout with the goal of pushing the pace on the gymnastics components before setting up for a solid set of a challenging unbroken load on the Deadlifts today.