

12:00 EMOM,

“Siege of Troy”


For Time:

5 Sets

16 American Kettlebell Swings 24/16

200m Run

50ft (15m) Single Arm overhead Walking Lunge

200m Run

8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

-rest 1:00 b/t sets-


*You must switch arms @ 25ft (7.5m)



For Time:

14 American Kettlebell Swings 20/12

6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2’’ Riser




For Time:

14 Russian Kettlebell Swings

50ft (15m) Walking Lunge 20/12

8 Dual Dumbell Z-Press 12.5/7

-rest 1:00 b/t sets-


We will have each set start with American Kettlebell Swings and move into into a fast 200m run before coming back around and getting right into a 50ft (15m) Overhead Walking Lunge with the goal of remaining unbroken throughout, while switching arms at the 25ft (7.5m) mark. We will then run out the door with tired legs before coming back around and tackling a quick set of 8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups.