

Jerk Complex


Every 2:00 x 5 Sets

2 Push Jerks + 2 Split Jerks @ 75% of 1RM


We are working into some technique work on the Jerk with the focus on the Push Jerk as that will be the most challenging in terms of total load that athletes are able to hit. The focus will be dialling in the punch and working for fast arms overhead into the quarter squat position.


For Time


“Day of the Dog”


5 Rounds for Time

21 Air Squats

12 Ring Push-Ups

9 Box Jump Overs


Box: 24”/20”

Rings: 6” off floor

Active: Rings 12”

Lifestyle: 5 Rounds for Time

18 Air Squats

12 Ring Push-Ups

10 Alternating Box Step-Ups

Rings: Hip Height, Body Angle at 45 degrees


First round through the Air Squats will feel nice and smooth and then as the workout progresses the combo of the Box Jumps into the Air Squats will really blow the quads up and get things firing. Note that the push-ups are meant to be done in less than 3 sets