

For Load:


Every 3:00 x 4 Sets

5 Back Squats @ 75-80%

Rest 15-30 seconds

4-6 Speed Goblet Squats


The goal here is contrasting methods to produce more power and driving force out of the bottom of a squat




14:00 AMRAP



7/7 Single Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunge 24/16

14 Toes to Bar

28 Double Unders


Active: 20/12, Alt T2B

Lifestyle: 16/8, Knee raise, 56 SIngles


This workout is a nice little mix of work for the midline here with the Single Arm KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge, Toe to Bar and Double Unders here in a good cyclical AMRAP that should allow athletes to stay moving and pace this one out. For the Front Rack Reverse Lunge, we are looking for a contralateral position and completing all 7 reps on one side before all 7 reps on the other side