Big Chipper


For Time:




50 Line Facing Burpees

5 Wall Walks

50/40 Calorie Row

5 Wall Walks

50 Toe to Bar

5 Wall Walks

15 Shuttle Runs

5 Wall Walks

10 Rope Climbs


Shuttle Run = 25ft, 7.5m Out and Back


For Time:

40 Line Burpees

4 Wall Walks

40/32 Calorie Row

4 Wall Walks

40 Alternating Toe to Bar

4 Wall Walks

12 Shuttle Runs

4 Wall Walks

8 Rope Climbs



For Time:

30 Line Burpees

3 Wall Walks (Open scaled)

30/24 Calorie Row

3 Wall Walks

30 Abmat Sit-Ups

3 Wall Walks

9 Shuttle Runs

3 Wall Walks

9 Pull to Stands



The goal is to treat this as that and to pace from the first movement all the way through to the last. Work into a smooth rhythm on this workout and fight the erg to go out hot.