Memorial WOD


28:00 AMRAP



800 Meter Row Buy-In

AMRAP in the Remaining Time

8 Power Snatch

8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

20 Pull-Ups

24 Double Unders


Barbell: 95/65lb, 43/30kg


The Numbers:

28 Years Old

800m Swim




We will never forget the impact of Lazar Dukic on this community and what he represents. He was an honest fun loving human that was always seen smiling. Loved competing and loved the sport of CrossFit. He was taken too early from us and we know he will be a catalyst for change. We honor his memory today.


This is going to be a long workout and a little bit of a grind. The thought here is that the Power Snatch into the Strict Handstand Push-Ups will slow down the pace of the workout. Then a big chunk of the workout will come down to the Pull-Ups and what style and type of sets you can maintain for such a long workout. So think small and consistent throughout.