

Squat Clean Complex


Every 2:30 x 5 Sets

1 Segment Squat Clean (pause at knee), 2 Low Hang Squat Clean (start just below the knee)

Set 1: @ 65%, Set 2: @ 70%

Set 3: @ 70%, Set 4: @ 75%

Set 5: @ 75%

We will utilize the Segment Clean to reinforce pressing through the floor and finishing the extension of the lift. Then hang position which is the same position as the pause to develop the same tension and stability through our feet.



Every 5:00 x 3 Sets

“The Thief”


8 Dual DB Power Cleans

7.5m DB Front Rack Walking Lunges

16 Renegade Rows

7.5m DB Front Rack Walking Lunges

8 Dual DB Squat Cleans 22.5/15


Active: 15/12.5

Lifestyle: Every 5:00 x 3 Sets

8 Dual DB Hang Power Cleans

7.5m DB Farmers Walking Lunges

6 Shuttle Runs

7.5m DB Farmers Walking Lunges

8 Dual DB Squat Cleans Farmers carry and 6 shuttle runs.


The goal here is a little overload on the posterior chain and we will definitely feel some of this in the coming days from the DOMs.

Time Cap: 4:00 per set