

For Load:


Every 3:00 x 4 Sets

6 Back Squats @ 70-75% of 3RM

Rest 30 seconds

4-6 Heavy Goblet Squats For Speed


We are looking to tackle 6 Back Squats in the range of 70-75% of our 3RM Back Squat. We will combine this with a heavy Goblet Squat load, where we are only looking for 4-6 reps at a load that allows for speed of repetition


12 Min AMRAP


“The Wheat Fields”


10* Pull-Ups

15 Thrusters 34/25

20/15 Calorie Row


*Add 5 Pull-Ups Each Set

Active: start at 5 pull ups 30/20

Lifestyle: 20/15, strict banded pull ups, start at 5 pull ups


The goal is to keep the Thrusters quick with an extra effort to work on pulling the barbell down into the next rep. The Rower is a significant portion of this workout, so do not let the pace drop off too far here as we will need to keep that pace strong enough to get back to the pull-ups without too much time lost here. If we are to get 4 rounds in this workout that means we are keeping about 3 minutes per round.