
Building shoulders


Option 1– 5 rounds for quality

Single Kb Overhead walk 10m each arm

15m bear crawl

8-12 shoulder taps in push up

10 Pike Leg lifts

0:30 rest

Option 2– 5 rounds for quality

20-30 second Partner Assisted freestanding Handstand hold

10 Monkey w/ a broken leg

8-12 Plate Taps – Wall facing or on a box

0:30 rest

Option 3: Accumulate max HS hold. Mix between wall and floor



Every 2:30 for 5 rounds:

Option 1

50 double-unders

Handstand walk (10 m)

– Rest remainder of each round.


Option 2

50 double-unders

20 handstand shoulder taps

– Rest remainder of each round.


Option 3

50 single-unders

10 pike shoulder taps

– Rest remainder of each round.


– Score is slowest round.

Double-unders in :45. At least 0:45 of rest each round. Scale appropriately if needed to hold the line between challenging yourself /finding intensity through the work intervals.