30:00 EMOM

“Volcanic Ash”


Minute 1: 15/12 Cal Ski Erg or Bike Erg

Minute 2: -Max Wall Walks

Minute 3: 50 Double Unders

Minute 4: -Max Shuttle Runs

Minute 5: Rest


Score = Max Total Reps


1 Shuttle Run = 25ft (7.5m) Out and Back


Active: 13/10 and 35 DU

Lifestyle: 12/9 and 60 single unders


Each round of this workout will start and end with the most challenging effort for you heart rate. Building into the workout with the calories will allow for a brief rest before making your way to the wall for Max Wall Walks. The goal here being somewhere in the range of 3-5 reps before making your way to the jump rope to work on a consistent set of dubs with the goal of going unbroken or at most having 2-3 breaks. Finally we will work into the Shuttle Runs with the idea of really trying to push the pace here