“Big Kelly”
3 Rounds for Time 1000m Run 50 Box Jumps 50 Wall Balls
Wall Ball 20/14lb, 9/6kg Box 24/20”
*Solo Benchmark Test
*2 Person Option: Runs Together and Split the Workout
*3 Person Option: Runs as a team of 3 carrying one Wall Ball, then come back in and do 2 person Synchro Wall Balls while one partner rests, then 2 person Synchro Box Jumps while one partner rests. During the Wall Balls and Box Jumps, partners can rotate in and out as much as needed for completion of the prescribed reps.
Grit is a huge determinant of success and health, which is why we are testing it today. The goal here will be to try to keep the runs under 5 minutes and the combined work time of Wall Balls and Box Jumps to under 5 minutes as well per set.