



Every 2:00 x 5 Sets

3 Position Squat Snatch

*High Hang, Low Hang (BTK), Floor


Set 1: 65%, Set 2: 70%

Set 3: 70%, Set 4: 75%

Set 5: 75%


The most important position here is emphasizing the High Hang Position and focusing on a vertical drive on the barbell and developing speed into the receiving position.


For Time- 12 min Cap:




12-9-7 Devils Press 22.5/15

*75 Double Unders


Active: 15/12

Lifestyle- 9-7-5, 12.5/10, singles


This workout is meant to be a sprinty style workout with the focus on the Devils Press. We need to stay engaged and on top of the Dumbbells. It will take a lot of extra effort to not walk away from them and try to chalk up often. Focus on engagement and how to stay moving without major breaks.