
6 set to progress:


Pull up progressions

2 sets Strict 3-5

2 sets Kip/Butterfly regular 7-10

2 sets Kip/Butterfly C2B 4-8




Working here on quality movement in all pull up styles, not looking for volume. Find your most virtuous positions and maintain. Don’t smoke the shoulders before the workout.



4 Rounds for time:


Run 400m

18 DB Snatches



Rest 2 minutes between rounds


20 min cap


Active: 6 jumping BMU/6 Strict pull ups

Lifestyle: 6 strict banded pull ups, 200m run


Each effort should be 85-90% and aiming for big sets on the snatches. You need to work on a combination that will take less than 3 mins and earn the rest.  If 2 minutes feel like a long rest for you then you try and push the pace harder during your work interval.