

Workout Primer


3 Sets, Progressing loads to just under weight

Hang Power Clean + Push Press

Low Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk

Power Clean + Push Jerk

Rest 1:00 b/s




3×3 Quick Singles Working up to working weights




For Time:


“Strength and Honor”


3 mins on Start 400m Run, then-Max Clean & Jerks 84/57 remaining time until you reach

30 Clean & Jerks. Rest for 1 min after every 3 mins


Active: 70/48

Lifestyle: 60% of 1rm

*Keep the runs under 2 mins


We want to see consistency on the run time from round to round, earning around 1:00 to push the pace on the barbell. To be clear, this is 3:00 on/1:00 off of work until you accumulate 30 reps of clean & jerks. Each 3:00 window starts with a 400m run, with whatever time remaining being used to work towards your 30 rep goal.