

For Load


Front squat

2×6 @70%

2×4 @75-80%




Turning our attention back to front squats now. Each set should feel decently challenging and you should feel like you could squeeze out 2 more good quality reps at the end of each set. Remember to keep your elbows high and try to time the bounce out of the bottom position, but don’t lose tension.



3 Sets of each:


E3MOM Alternate between

1 & 2



12 DB burpee deadlift

12 DB Lunges

150 m run



6/6 Single Arm DB Thrusters

12 C2B Pull ups

12 DB Box Step ups


22.5/15 kg DB


Active: Pull ups, 17.5/12.5

Lifestyle: Jumping C2B, 15/10


It is really important to pick movements options and weights that allow you to get your first rounds done in under 2 minutes as it will get tougher and tougher as fatigue sets in.