
For load


4 sets of:


1 Clean Pull

1 Hang Power Clean

1 Power Clean

1 Split Jerk


@ 2:00


Grease the groove on your clean and jerk. Start at 75% of your best Clean and Jerk and build every set.



For Time

10 Clean and Jerks 61/43

20 Sit ups

1500/1200m Bike

10 Clean and Jerks

20 Sit ups

1000/800m Bike

10 Clean and Jerks

20 Sit ups

500/400m Bike


16 min cap

Rx + GHDs

Active: 50/35

Lifestyle: 43/29

* if you row or ski halve the distance

3 rounds with a decreasing bike distance. C&J should be quick singles and the sit ups unbroken. If you are wanting a quicker time the RPM on the bike should be over 75 for men and over 65 for women, you don’t want complete jelly legs when you get off though.