
Upper body swole sesh


In 12 mins work through

3 sets of:

5 Pendlay rows

10 Bent over flys

10 Barbell Bicep curls


-rest 1:30-2:00 minutes between-


Who doesn’t want bulletproof shoulders? Take the time today to slow your movements down, feel muscles working in an isolated manner and look after your joints! Work like this will also make a huge difference to your upper body strength for gymnastics.



4x 3 min AMRAP with 1 min rest:


4 Bar muscle ups

12 Double DB front rack Lunges 2×22.5/15kg

48 Double Unders


Active: Jumping BMU, 17.5/12.5kg


Lifestyle: Strict banded pull ups, 15/10kg, single unders


4 rounds for max reps, pick up where you left off each round. For example if you got into the 2nd round in the first AMRAP and got 6 Lunges after your 1 minute rest you would start at your 7th lunge for the start of round 2. Aiming for 1.5-3 rounds per AMRAP.