
Heavy Day


A. Tall snatch primer with dowel or bar

1 Tall snatch received in power

1 Tall snatch received in squat


B.10 Sets

1 Power Snatch

2 Pause Overhead Squats

@ 1:30


C. Snatch Pulls from the ground

5X3 @ 2:00


Optional D:

500m row

15 Burpees

500m Ski

15 Burpees

1000m bike

15 Burpees


Tall snatches first as we look to find that fast turn over and then speed under the bar.

The snatch+OHS continues our work on the turn over from last week while the pause squats teach us patience in the bottom. Work around between the 65-85% mark of your snatch and make sure you are active in the bottom.

Snatch pulls should be at 90%+ of your 1rm. We are working on a smooth pull to the knee and then the explosion to extension.