

Ring Muscle ups

12 Min EMOM


1: X number of Ring Muscle ups (1-6)

2: Rest



1: 3-5 Ring Muscle up Transitions

2: 5-10 Deficit Pause Push ups

3: 10 Ring Kipping Swings

4: Rest



1: 3-5 Strict banded Pull ups

Mins 2-4 as per active

Ring muscle ups are an awesome skill to develop because of all the skill and strength you develop along the way in accomplishing one..



Chipper for time


60 Hang DB Snatch (5 ES at a time)

50 Burpees

40 Toes to Bar

30 Box Jumps 30/24”

400m Run


Active: 16/12kg  24/20

Lifestyle: 12/8kg 40 Burpees 20/16”


*Cap: 13 min


Go hard on this workout! Drop the hammer from the start and try and hold on as the reps get less and less. Sprint home in that final 400m!