Strict Gymnastics


12 Min EMOM:

Alternating sets


Strict Pull Ups


Active: Negative lower HSPU

Lifestyle: Box Pike HSPU and Banded pull ups


Strict gymnastics development.  Make sure if working on the skill portion you focus on having the best position possible as this will have the greatest carry over for your other gymnastics.



16 Min EMOM

16/12 Calorie Machine

8 Burpees to 6” Target

8 Handstand Push ups

16/12 Calorie Machine

8 Burpees to 6” Target

8 Ring Rows


The WOD is about your gymnastic skills under fatigue, can you hold on for big sets of HSPU and ring rows under fatigue? This is your day to try. Pace the machines to not blow up and focus on the sets of gymnastics.