Heavy day today!




@ 2:00


B. Snatch Pulls

1 Snatch Pull

2 Hang Snatch Pulls


5 sets @ 1:30


C. For time:

200m Run

20 Power Snatch 50/35kg

400m Run

10 Power Snatch


Active: 40/30kg

Lifestyle: 100m 200m 30/20kg


*10 min Cap


OHS should be getting to the heavy end, Working again on the pull in both the full and hang position. Focus on staying over the bar as it comes off the floor and keeping lots of tension through your legs and lats.

Going to steer toward a different piece this week with work on reps under fatigue. Experienced Crossfitters should see how many TNG reps they can do before needing to break and attempt to hold the fastest run pace possible. If new, use this as an opportunity to get 30 reps of practice under some fatigue. Sub 7 is a great goal!