Team workout


2 x 15 Min AMRAPS



A. AMRAP in 15 Minutes of:

2 Wall Walks

6 Burpee Pull ups

8 Shuttle Runs


Round for round w’ partner


Rest 5 Minutes


B: @ 20 Minutes start:


15 Min AMRAP

6 Bench Press

6/6 Hang KB Snatch

25ft Single arm front rack lunge


Round for round with your partner


*KB Hang snatch scale:

Single arm KB swing


*Athletes choose their own weight on the bench press, aiming for around 60-65% of 1rm.


Double AMRAP for today’s workout. It is important to get all your movements warmed up today BEFORE starting the workout. So warm up your bench press weight and lunge weight especially. This is a round for round or interval style workout so make sure when it is your turn that each effort is your best effort as you are getting plenty of rest every round. Choose a weight on the bench press that is heavy, but allows for unbroken reps every round.