Partner WOD


“Monster Mash”

For time, in pairs complete:


800m Run into:


1: 10 Rope Climbs 15ft

2: 100 Burpees over a bar

3: 50 Clean and Jerks 60/40kg

4: 100/80 Calorie machine

5: 50 Front Squats 60/40kg



800m Run into:


1: 10 ½  Rope Climbs

2: 100 Burpees over a bar

3: 50 Clean and Jerks 50/35kg

4: 100/80 Calorie machine

5: 50 Front Squats 50/35kg



800m Run into:


1: 10 Rope pulls to standing

2: 100 Burpees over a bar

3: 50 Clean and Jerks 40/30kg

4: 100/80 Calorie machine

5: 50 Front Squats 40/30kg


Run together, but break up the reps inside the gym however you like between you and your partner. You can have a different weight to your partner if equipment allows, if not pick the weight in the middle that suits both. Scale the movements as necessary for the individual, but remember you CAN do different options and still be a pair.