

For practice


10 Min EMOM:

1. 5-15 Pull ups

2. 5-20m Handstand walk (Progressions options – Wall facing handstand hold / Box plate taps/ Assisted HSW)


Rx + Chest to bar

Lifestyle: HS walk around a box, Jumping pull ups


Make sure if working on the skill portion you focus on having the best position possible as this will have the greatest carry over.



3 Rounds, each for time of:


24/18 Calorie Row/Ski

15 Burpees to a 6” Target

20 7.5m Shuttle runs


20 min Cap


-Rest 2 minutes between rounds-


Active: 18/14 cal, 12 burpee, 15 shuttle

Lifestyle: 15/10 cal, 10 burpee, 10 shuttle


Athletes should be aiming for 3 ½ – 4 ½  minute rounds. Reduce the cals if needed to hit this time frame! Earn that 2 minutes rest!