

8 Min EMOM

Alternating minutes


1. 20-30 Second HS Holds on the wall or freestanding

2. 10m Handstand walk/assisted walk/20m bear crawl


Skill work first up, looking for the next progression. With the holds work to get away from the wall, with the walk look for that extra bit of distance.



For total time:

3 Rounds of:

10 Pull ups

20 box jumps 24/20”



800m Run



3 Rounds of:

15 push-ups

30 air squats


15 min cap


Lifestyle, jumping pull ups and knee push ups.


For the WOD don’t dawdle on the transitions and don’t go to fatigue. Find a steady pace in the workout, don’t go out too hot in this one unless you are a bodyweight ninja.