Heavy Day


Snatch Focus


A. Overhead Squats



B. Primer w/ barbell or dowel

5 min EMOM

2 snatch lands (bar starts over head)

2 snatch drops (bar starts on shoulders)

Straight into

C. Bar Complex

7 sets @ 90sec

1 Hang Pull (focus on path and extension)

1 Power snatch (focus on turnover and feet)

You should not go above 60% of your 1rm


Optional D:

5 rounds 2 mins on 1 min off

200m Run

Max Cals


Heavy day with a focus on the OHS and Snatch. The next 4-6 weeks we will be working on elements of the snatch and OHS as a part of heavy days. Looking at alternating what day they fall (not all Fridays) but also keen for feedback as to if that works. 


Looking to start at approx 60-65% of your 1rm for the OHS. Active shoulders are key for success. With the snatching, think about the movement patterns for both the bar and your feet. Mechanics then speed before load.