

For Load


EMOM for 12 mins of:

1. 3-5 Good morning 30/20kg

2. 7 heavy goblet squats


Something a little different before our WOD today, aim to use a heavy KB or DB and keep your chest upright. We haven’t done weighted good mornings in a while so ease into them, alternate with a partner.



5 Rounds For Time:

12 Min CAP


10 Goblet Squats 32/24

200m run

10 burpee box jump overs 24/20”


Masters/teens/Active: 24/16


Lifestyle: 16/12, 20/16



Aim for 1 set on the squats, run in under 1:00 and then do your burpee box jump overs at a pace that allows you to get in some oxygen. You can’t avoid jacking up your heart rate, thats the point, but you can focus on the pattern of your breathing and staying calm.