

Double Unders


Pullover drills



Ball Up

Hips to bar

Add dynamic power

Spotting technique


The drills might be new, if they feel funky, that’s ok, this is just a chance to work on your coordination. Watch the videos a couple of times to get the hang of it!



For Time:


80 Double Unders

40 Sit ups

20 Alt DB Snatches 22.5kg/15kg

5 Rope Climbs

20 Alt DB snatches

40 Sit ups

80 Double Unders


18 min cap


RX+- 10 rope climbs

Active: 60 DU, 20/17.5 kg DB, 3 Rope climbs.


Lifestyle: Single unders, 12.5/10 kg DB, 5 floor to stand


The workout is a fun chipper, pyramid style! Good test of the midline.