Partner WOD


4 rounds of (32 mins total):


1 min each (the other partner rests while one works)

1. 12 Deadlifts 100/70

2. 15 Handstand Push-up

3. 15 Sit ups/GHDs

4. 12 DB front rack walking lunges 22.5/15kg



1. 12 Deadlifts 85/55

2. 8 Handstand Push-up

3. 15 Sit ups

4. 12 DB front rack walking lunges 20/12.5kg DBs.


Active: 70/50 Deadlift, Pike push ups instead of HSPU, and 15/10kg DBs.


A nice you go, I go workout. This is a longer effort and the pace should reflect that to a degree but there it essentially is 1 min on and 1 min off so that allows for a decent pace, challenge yourself and push where you can. Pick a weight/progression that will have you working for more than :45 seconds.