

For load


Push Press

6 sets @ 2:00

2×6 @ 70%

2×4 @ 80%

2×2 @ 85%+


Starting the week with a push press, ascending weight, descending reps. Focus on the vertical dip and drive ensuring the timing of the press meets the peak of the drive.



10 rounds for time of:


4 deadlifts

3 hang power cleans

2 shoulder to overhead


15 Min Cap


Rx: 84/61kg

Masters: 70/52kg

Active: 61/43kg

Lifestyle: 43/29 kg


Nice weightlifting piece that will turn to cardio on round 3 or 4. You need to pick a weight that you can cycle and do the sets at least every 1:20. The smart money is treating this like an EMOM and picking up the pace in the final 3 rounds if it feels good.