

For mechanics


5 sets every 1:30


2 hang squat clean + 1 split jerk


60-70% of 1RM clean


Lifting for skills and speed today with a 2 piece complex. Add weight if you like as you go but we are looking for correct movement patterns and also to warm up the squats for the WOD. Short and sharp just like the movement.



5 rounds for time:


80 double-unders

16 toes-to-bars

8 front squats 84/61


Time cap: 20 minutes


Rx+ – 102/70


Active/Masters- 4 rounds, 61/43


Lifestyle– 4 rounds for time:

80 single-unders

16 straight leg raises

8 front squats 43/29


From there we are doing a take on the CFG Semi Final wod #2. Modify as required, aim to drop rounds rather than dropping reps.