

For Load


10 min EMOM

1 split jerk (from the rack)

Increase as you go

Starting around 60%



Start this 10 minute EMOM at a moderate weight as the goal is to increase each minute. Be patient, don’t do crazy jumps and move consistently. Every rep should look the same regardless of weight!





14 min AMRAP


Pull ups

Cals echo/assault bike




Rx+- HSPU in increments of 3



Nj5: Ring rows (be as horizontal as possible) and Pike.



The workout is a fun ladder, you will be forced to break up the reps more as you go, have a plan and consider breaking a little earlier than you think in order to be able to be more consistent overall, particularly with the shoulder heavy combo of HSPU and pull ups.


Sandbag as required if doing tomorrows comp.