
For load


Split jerk



Build across starting at 70% of your 1RM


Lift every 2 minutes


Move fast with the split jerks and don’t increase any weight if you are feeling yourself press the bar in the catch. Put the pressing from last cycle into action.


For Time


15 Devil’s press 22.5/15

30 Wall balls 9/6

15 Box Jumps 24’/20’

30 Power snatches 50/35

15 Box Jumps

30 Wall balls

15 Devil’s Press


20 Min Cap


Active/Masters/Teens:20/ 12.5, 7/5, 40/25kg


10 Devil’s press 15/10kg

20 Wall balls

10 Box Jumps 24’/20’

20 Power snatches 30/20kg

10 Box Jumps (lower box if needed)

20 Wall balls

10 Devil’s Press

The chipper is designed to push you into the pain cave so pick a weight where you are not resting for long between sets, no need to TnG the snatches but move with purpose.