
Ring Work


Ring muscle ups

1. Kipping on rings

2. Hips to rings

3. Transition on low rings

4. Negatives on low rings

5. Banded on low rings

6. Practice on high rings if these drills feel good.


Some great ring muscle up development today, challenge yourself by either getting more volume than normal or doing a harder scaled option.


20 min AMRAP


50 double unders

12 Toes to bar

12 DB push press 20/12.5kg

6 Strict Pull Ups



Active: Single unders, reduce T2B to 6 and Pull ups to 4

Lifestyle: Single unders, lighter DB and reduce ROM on T2B and ring rows.


WOD will see high stress on the shoulder with both push and pull. Relax the shoulders during the skipping for the best effect. Push press is lighter for a reason.