
5 sets for load

3 Deadlift (no touch and go, no belts)

Increase across sets


*Perform a new set every 3:00


Treat the deadlifts as a deadstop. This will likely decrease your normal 5×3 by 5-10% as you must reset tension on each lift. Trust the process and don’t use a belt, your midline will appreciate you in the long run.


Chipper for time:

80/70 calorie row

60 burpees

40 power cleans 60/40kg

20 toes to bar


18 min cap


Active: 70/60 calorie row

50 burpees

30 power cleans 55/35kg

20 toes to bar


Lifestyle: 70/60 calorie row

50 burpees

30 power cleans 40/30kg

20 toes to bar


Nice long chipper, the burpees and power cleans are where your consistency will be rewarded. Do not go out too hot on the row, leave something in the tank for those 40 cleans. Expect this to be 15-17 minutes of work and approach it with that in mind so that you don’t end up resting too much on the power cleans.