For load: 7-7-5-5-3-3 Overhead Squats *Perform a new set every 2:00
Today’s lifting should see beginner lifters learning and mastering the fundamentals with lighter weights whilst intermediate and advanced athletes may start at approximately 60% 1RM and increase across sets to a heavy set to finish the day.
4 x 2-minute Rounds for Reps: 50ft Handstand walk 8 Single-arm KB Overhead squats 24/16kg Max sandbag-to-shoulders 55/35kg in remaining time *Rest 1-minute between rounds
Rx+: 100ft Handstand walk, 32/24kg Active: 25ft HSW, 16/12kg, 35/25kg Lifestyle: 50ft Bear crawl, 12/8kg, 20/15kg
The workout should see handstand walk options possible inside 1:00 (even when fatigued), KB weights that allow an unbroken set of squats using a single-arm and sandbag weights that allow tough but fast singles under fatigue.