
6 Sets for load:

1 Clean pull

+ 1 Hang power clean

+ 1 Power clean

+ 1 Split jerk


*Perform a new set every 1:45

Today’s lifting should see beginner and intermediate lifters perfecting the mechanics with lighter loads, whilst experienced lifters may increase across sets to a heavy but sub-maximal complex for the day.  




3 Rounds for time:

800m Run

20 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

9 Clean-and-jerks 61/43kg


Time cap: 25 minutes


Rx+: 75/52kg

Active: 15 C2B per round or 20 PU’s per round, 52/35kg

Lifestyle: 400m Runs, 15 Jumping C2B pull-ups per round, 35/25kg


The workout should see a run option that allows consistent movement even under heavy cardio-fatigue (no walking), chest-to-bar options that see 1-4 sets across rounds and clean-and-jerks that represent ~60% 1RM power clean & push jerk and can be performed in singles in quick succession.