Partner WOD
For time, in a partnership 32 min Cap: 400m Run OR 400/300m SkiErg 80 Toes-to-bar 400m Run OR 400/300m SkiErg 40 Clean-and-jerks 80/55kg 400m Run OR 400/300m SkiErg 80 GHD Sit-ups 400m Run OR 400/300m SkiErg 40 Snatches 60/45kg 400m Run OR 400/300m SkiErg
*All gymnastics and weightlifting movements are split as desired *1-P runs, 1-P Ski’s (each athlete must do 2 of each by the end)
Rx+: 90/60kg CJ & 70/50kg SN Active: Hanging leg raises, 70/50kg CJ & 50/40kg SN Lifestyle: Hanging knee raises, 60/45kg CJ & 40/30kg SN, ab-mat sit-ups
Today’s partner workout should see both athletes in the partnership able to perform 10+ unbroken reps of both toes-to-bars and GHD sit-ups options. Barbells should represent approximately 70% power clean & jerk and power snatch respectively for today and allow both athletes to complete quick singles for 2-4 reps before requiring a switch-out.