For time, in a partnership 23 min cap:

60 Wall balls 9/6kg to 10/9ft

30 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

60 Thrusters 43/30kg

60 Toes-to-bar

60 Thrusters

30 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

60 Wall balls

*All reps are split as desired


Rx+: Wall balls to 11/10ft

Active: 6/4 to 10/9ft, regular pull-ups, 35/25kg, hanging leg raises

Lifestyle: Jumping C2B pull-ups, 20/15kg, hanging knee raises


Today’s partner workout should see both athletes each able to complete 15+ wall balls and thrusters with chosen weights, 5+ chest-to-bar pull-ups and 5-8+ toes-to-bars with chosen difficulties, at least when fresh. Partnerships should share reps smartly in order to progress through work as fast as possible, keeping in mind that if gymnastics is swayed towards one person, then the weightlifting can be swayed towards the either, or vice versa in this one!