Gymnastics Development
SLIPS Development 4 Sets for quality: :15-:30 Single-leg plank, ES :15-:30 Single-arm plank, ES :15-:30 Free handstand hold :15-:30 Hanging L-sit :15-:30 Adductor / hamstring stretch on wall
Active and Lifestyle options: Wider legs for single-arm plank, HS hold on wall, hanging knee raise
AMRAP14: 1, 2, 3 etc.: Wall walks Bar muscle-ups 10, 20, 30 etc.: Second L-Sit
Active: Wall walks to 60cm line, jumping BMU, single-legged L-Sit (switch legs each round) Lifestyle: 10-20-30 etc. Alt. shoulder taps in plank, ring rows, 1, 2, 3 hanging knee raises from toes touching
The workout should see conservative wall walk and bar muscle-up options that allow 3-5 reps without stopping when fresh and an L-sit option that allows repeatable sets of :10 holds even when under respiratory fatigue.