42 min EMOM: 1) 16/13 Calorie BikeErg 2) 20 GHD Sit-ups 3) 6 Deadball cleans 55/35kg 4) 100ft Dual KB Overhead carry 2×24/16kg 5) 100ft Dual KB or Barbell Farmer’s carry 54/36kg each hand 6) 10* Thrusters 43/30kg 7) Rest
*Add 2 reps each round, finishing on 20 thrusters in minute 41
Active: 13/10 Calories, 15 GHD Sit-ups, 100/75lbs, 2×16/12kg, 42/28kg each hand, 35/25kg Lifestyle: 10/7 Calories, 10 GHD Sit-ups, 75/55lbs, 2×12/8kg, 24/ 16kg each hand, 20/15kg
Today’s long aerobic workout should see all movements inside :40 when fresh, and see thruster weights that allow an unbroken set of 20 when fresh. Positive body language, self-talk and starting each activity on-the-minute will go a long way in this one! |