
8 Sets for load:

2 Cleans

+ 1 Jerk

*Perform a new set every 2:15

Today’s lifting should see beginner and intermediate lifters perfecting the mechanics of the two movements with lighter loads, whilst experienced lifters may increase across sets to a heavy but sub-maximal complex for the day.


CFK Benchmark “12 Gauge” 6 Min Cap:

3 Rounds for time:

12 Dual DB thrusters 2×22.5/15kg

6 Dual DB Devil’s presses


Active: 2×17.5/12.5kg

Lifestyle: 2×12.5/7.5kg


The CFK Benchmark “12 Gauge” is fast-and-furious. DB weights should allow 1-2 thruster sets across all rounds and continuous movement on the Devil’s presses, though if athletes are within 5/2.5kg of Rx’d for today, there is scope for pushing into the cap and setting a benchmark for the future if they can safely do so.