For time in a partnership:

40 Power cleans 90/60kg

60/50/40 Calorie Echo bike

80 Bar-facing burpees

40 Front squats 80/55kg

60/50/40 Calorie Row

80 Dual DB Box step-overs 24/20”, 2×22.5/15kg

40 Shoulder-to-overheads 70/50kg

60/50/40 Calorie SkiErg

20 Wall walks


Rx+: 100/65 – 90/60 – 80/55kg

Active: 80/55 – 70/50 – 60/45kg, 2×15/10kg

Lifestyle: All barbells at 45/30kg, 40 BFB and BSO (unweighted)


Today’s partner workout should see at least one athlete from each partnership able to complete sets of 3-5 power cleans in smooth singles, 10+ fast bar-facing burpees without stopping, 5-10 unbroken front squats, 10+ fast dual DB box step-overs without stopping, 5-10 unbroken shoulder-to-overheads and 3+ wall walks without stopping, when fresh. Partnerships should share reps based on individual strengths in order to complete the work as fast as possible.