
6 Sets for load

1 Hang power clean

+ 1 Hang squat clean

+ 1 Front squat

*Perform a new set every 1:30


Today’s lifting should see beginner and intermediate lifters perfecting the mechanics of the three movements with lighter loads, whilst experienced lifters may increase across sets to a heavy but sub-maximal complex for the day.


4 Rounds for time 8 min CAP:

9 Box jumps 30/24”

6 Hang power cleans 61/43kg

6 Front squats


Rx+: 36/30”, 70/47kg

Active: 52/35kg

Lifestyle: 40/25kg, reduce the height on the box jumps or step ups.


Clean complexes followed by a task-priority workout including high box jumps, hang power cleans and front squats. Hip extension is the name of the game today and a thorough leg cool down will be necessary.