
Wall-facing Handstand Push-up Skills


Today’s gymnastics skill work should see athletes without consecutive wall-facing handstand push-ups to a flush surface working through progressions, achieving virtuosity before moving down the list. Advanced athletes may perform the advanced option during this time.


14 Min AMRAP

60 Chin-over-bar pull-ups

40 Lateral burpees over the DB

60 Alternating DB snatches 22.5/15kg

Max wall-facing handstand push-ups in remaining time


Rx+: Chest-to-bar pull-ups

Active: 17.5/12.5kg

Lifestyle: Jumping pull-ups, stepping over DB allowed, 12.5/7.5kg, Box pike HSPU


Wall-facing handstand push-up skill work into an AMRAP including pull-ups and hang snatches. Efficiency across high-reps will be essential today.