5 sets for load: 3 Dead-stop deadlifts 3 Weighted strict chin-ups *Perform a new set every 2:30
Today’s lifting should see challenging and unbroken sets across, eliciting a strength adaptation. “Dead-stop” means that athletes reset and re-engage at the floor. |
CFK Benchmark “Iron Lady” 9-15-21-27 Reps for time: Chest-to-bar pull-ups Sumo deadlift high-pulls 43/30kg
Rx+: 52/35kg Active: Chin-over-bar pull-ups, 35/25kg Lifestyle: 9-12-15-18 Reps: Jumping C2B pull-ups, 20/15kg
The CFK benchmark “Iron Lady” should see C2B and SDLHP options that allow repeatable sets of 5 for Rx’d or sets of 3 for Option 2 reps. Mental fortitude alongside physical fitness will be critical in today’s increasing rep-scheme! |